September 22, 2012
Tempura is a typical dish of Japan cuisine and has the peculiarity, unlike our fries, of being light, delicate and digestible, thanks to the particular method by which it is prepared. Another traditional dish are the uramaki, which differ from classical maki because the rice, usually inside, is outside and the nori, the alga which is usually wrapped outside, is in this case inside.
Now think of the delight of a dish made of Japanese tempura combined with uramaki: you got the uramaki ebiten, rice roll stuffed with shrimp tempura inside, sprinkled outside with sesame seeds and grnished with wasabi and ginger. The taste is full and intense. The shrimp stand out and fried taste is softened by rice. Mmmmm....slurpilicious! :-)
Now think of the delight of a dish made of Japanese tempura combined with uramaki: you got the uramaki ebiten, rice roll stuffed with shrimp tempura inside, sprinkled outside with sesame seeds and grnished with wasabi and ginger. The taste is full and intense. The shrimp stand out and fried taste is softened by rice. Mmmmm....slurpilicious! :-)